This page details financial information about your account. It displays future, current and aged balances with totals. It also displays month and year to date sales, available credit limit, last payment, terms, and contact information. This information covers all your open orders, not just those placed over the web.

You can search by Reference number or by selecting a page in the upper right corner of the page. The date span defaults to everything, and it determines what transactions are listed and the aging of all account balances displayed. The Reference number can be either a sales order number or your purchase order number.

The part of your balance that is due, that has not yet appeared on a statement.

The part of the balance that has been billed and is due in the current period.

31-60, 61-90, 91-120, Over 120
The part of your balance that is overdue, by number of days overdue.

Your total balance due.

The total of all deposits you've made against open orders.

The dollar value of material that has been ordered but not yet been shipped to you.

MTD Sales, YTD Sales
Month-to-date and year-to-date sales. Your total sales so far in the current month or year.

6-Mo Average
Your average balance due over the last 6 months.

6-Mo High
The highest total balance due over the last 6 months, at a single point.

Payment Days
This is the average number of days it takes you to pay your balance.

Two names and phone numbers for contacting you.

Your payment terms for your account.

Credit Limit
The total credit available for your account.

What is available on your credit; the difference between your limit and the total balance due.

Last Sale
Shows the date and amount of the last sale to your account.

Last Payment
Shows the date and amount of the last payment made on your account.

Reference Number
The sales order number, check number or cash payment number of a transaction.

Branch you worked with on that transaction.

The posting date of the transaction.

The amount of the transaction.

The amount applied to the original transaction.

Pmt Date
The date the payment was made.

The remaining balance for the transaction.

The aging category of the transaction.

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